January 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Full Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be an ordinary meeting on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom, but due to being inquorate this meeting has been postponed to Tuesday 19th Janaury.


Meeting ID: 847 1018 8420

Passcode: 4bfuxx

The agenda for the meeting is available to download.  It is a busy meeting, we are co-opting a new Councillor to take up the last vacant post, we will have an update on the C-19 Pandemic, a report from a Highways Consultant re the Pirbright Institute development and how that can affect our village and also, we will be agreeing the budget and precept for 2021 / 2022.  We will also be reviewing a planning application for Yew Tree Cottage and working our way through standard council business.  All are welcome to join us.



