Our meetings are usually held at:

The Ilsleys Primary School

Church Hill, East Ilsley, Newbury RG20 7LP

We do have a temporary scheme of delegation in place.  This means that certain Council business can be delegated to the clerk.  You can view the full policy on our website under 'Policies'

Filter Meetings
Year Month
March 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

November 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

July 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

You are cordially invited to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council.  Agenda available to download below with link to Dropbox and the meeting papers.

June 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Meeting of the Parish Council

Full Parish Council Meeting

Parishioners are cordially invited to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council.  There are items for public participation at the beginning and end of the meeting. Public involvement in any other agenda items is at the discretion of the Chair of the meeting.

May 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

March 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Meeting of the Parish Council with a presentation on the proposed Penn Meadows Development

January 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

You are cordially invited to attend the Parish Council Meeting

November 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Cancelled Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting in East Ilsley School Hall starting at 7.30. Includes presentation on the Demolition Contract at the Former Institute of Animal Health Site in Compton.

July 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Please do join us on Tuesday 11th July at 7.30pm in The Ilsley's School Hall for the Parish Council Meeting.

The agenda is available to download and click on the link above the Agenda to access the papers.

We look forward to seeing you!

May 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Please do join us on Tuesday 16th May at 7.30pm in The Ilsleys School Hall for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

This is the first meeting of the municipal year and the first time you will meet your new council after the parish elections on 4th May 2023.

The agenda is attached, it looks very long but these are our annual legal requirements and we're pretty good at flying through these after all the years we have been doing it!

We are discussing some alterations to planning conditions at the Pirbright Institute if you want to have a look at what is going on here is the website address: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=23/00627/OUTMAJ.

We look forward to seeing you!

March 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

All are welcome to join us for our full council meeting where will be discussing:

  • a grant application to Oxford Wildlife Rescue
  • Making the final plans for the purchase of the shared speed device with Compton
  • Review the results of the recent playground inspection
  • To look at various grounds maintenance requirements

and a host of other things.

7.30pm at the School Hall, Ilsleys Primary.

January 2023
Monday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Budget & Precept setting will be the main focus.

The agenda can be viewed below.

November 2022
Thursday, 19:00
via Zoom

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

We will be having a very quick online planning meeting on Thursday 24th November to discuss the amended planning application from St. Mary's Church, East Ilsley for the provision of external level access via a new footpath and alternative stepped route to the north porch entrance to the church.

You can see all the planning documents on the portal here: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=22/02710/FUL


Meeting ID: 876 0910 3176

Passcode: planning

November 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
The Ilsleys School Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

All are welcome to join us for the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th November at 7.30pm in the school hall.

This is an important meeting as we will be discussing the draft budget for 2023 / 2024, looking at supporting local charities and organisations with grants and reviewing quotes for maintenance jobs around the village.  We also have 2 planning appliactions to discuss for Montpelier House and Uplands.

The agenda can be found below.

October 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join us at our Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 4th October 2022, 7.30pm in the School Hall at The Ilsleys Primary School.

The agenda can be downloaded below.

All are welcome, we hope to see you there.

August 2022
Monday, 19:00
The Function Room at the Swan Pub

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Parish Council will meet briefly on Monday 15th August at 7pm in the Function Room at the Swan Pub in East Ilsley

This is to discuss the planning application at Orchard House and a planning appeal for a 5G mast at Fidlers Lane.

The agenda is available below.

You can view the planning documents here: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=22/01689/HOUSE for Orchard House and here for the 5G mast appeal: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=21/03111/TELE56

July 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday 12th July at 7.30pm via Zoom.

The Zoom log in is:


Meeting ID: 969 3398 1330

Passcode: eipc

We will be discussing:

  • The Winter Service Plan
  • New Litter Bins at the Recreation Ground and the emptying contract
  • Pen Meadow Housing Proposal

All are welcome to attend.

June 2022
Monday, 19:00

Planning Recommendation Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Parish Council will meet for a short planning meeting via Zoom on Monday 20th June.

The agenda is attached and the Zoom joining instructions can be found there.

We will be reviewing the Planning Application at The Old Pool House, Stanmore Road and you can view the planning documents here: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=22/01323/HOUSE

We will also be looking at approving some section 137 Grants to local groups.

All are welcome to join us on Zoom.

May 2022
Monday, 19:00

Planning Recommendation Meeting

Planning Meeting

East Ilsley Parish Council will meet via Zoom on Monday 23rd May 2022 at 7pm to discuss two planning applications recently received:

1) 22/01148/FUL for St Mary's Church (new accessible footpath)

2) 22/01008/HOUSE for 17 Churchside (various amendments)

All are welcome to join in this public planning meeting.

The Zoom link to join can be found on the agenda.

May 2022
Tuesday, 20:30
The Ilsleys School Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place after the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 10th May 2022 in the School Hall.

The Annual Parish Meeting starts at 7.30pm and features a number of guest speakers and should last approximately 1 hour.  This meeting is open to all residents of East Ilsley and there will be drinks and nibbles for you to enjoy.

Once the speakers have concluded their presentations we will take a short break and set up for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at which you are all welcome to stay or join us for, which should start at approximately 8.30pm.

The agenda is a full one, we need to elect a Chairman, cover off some annual business items and then look at a Planning Application for the Crown and Horns and finalise the Jubilee plans.

We hope to see lots of you there.

March 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
The Ilsleys School Hall

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

We will be meeting face to face in the Ilsleys Primary School Hall on Tuesday 8th March at 7.30pm for a full parish council meeting.

The agenda can be viewed here.

We will be discussing one planning application for Little Mallards and you can view the planning documents here.

As our temporary scheme of delegation is still active and in place, should anything happen that require us to defer to a Zoom meeting at short notice, the links will be posted here and via our social media channels.

February 2022
Tuesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Planning Recommendation Meeting

Planning Meeting

East Ilsley Parish Council are holding a 'Planning Recommendation Meeting' via Zoom on Tuesday 8th February at 7pm.  This is to discuss two planning applications, one for Dormer Cottage and the other for Wheatsheaf House.

Due to a temporary Scheme of Delegation currently in place, we are able to meet remotely for Councillors to give their recommendations to the Clerk.

All are welcome to join us, the Zoom info is below:

Topic: East Ilsley Parish Council Planning Recommendation Meeting

Time: Feb 8, 2022 07:00 PM London


Meeting ID: 853 4327 4457

Passcode: planning

If you wish to view the planning applications and their associated documents visit the Planning Tracker on our website here: https://www.eastilsley-pc.gov.uk/planning

January 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Outside in the Swan Pub Car Park

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

East Ilsley Parish Council will be meeting on Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 7.30pm outside in the Swan Pub Car Park.  This is due to the rapid spread of Omicron and the inability to hold virtual meetings for official Parish Council Business.

The public are welcome to attend, please wrap up warm and bring a torch with you as it will be dark.  We will be spaced out and will follow C19 guidelines for outside meetings.

We have a number of items to discuss which cannot be done online, such as approving the annual budget and 2022 / 2023 Precept.

We are also looking at a pre-planning application for a new 5G mast on Fidlers Lane.  It is not the actual planning, but a pre-planning consult prior to a formal application being made.

You can view the documents here: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=21/03111/TELE56

The full agenda is attached below.  We will try and keep this meeting short as it will be cold and possibly wet!

November 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

All are welcome to join us up at the School Hall for the next full council meeting.

We will be discussing the Pond, Pen Meadow and the draft budget for 2022 / 2023.

The agenda can be downloaded below.

September 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
School Hall, The Ilsleys Primary School

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council will be in Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 7.30pm at the school hall, The Ilsleys Primary School.

The agenda is below for you.

Please note we will not be discussing Pen Meadow at this meeting.  Updates about Pen Meadow will be published when we have them.

We kindly request that you do not come to the meeting if you are displaying C19 symptoms or have produced a positive Lateral Flow Test.  All Councillors will have completed a LFT prior to coming to the meeting.  Face coverings are welcome (not mandatory) and there will be track and trace / QR codes / Hand Sanitiser available at the school hall.  We need to comply with this as per our risk assessment.

August 2021
Tuesday, 19:00
The Crown & Horns Hotel

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Council will meet on Tuesday 24th August 2021 at 7pm at the Crown and Horns Pub (School Hall unavailable during the holidays) for a planning meeting to review 2 applications:

1) 7 Churchside for a new oak framed porch.  Click to view the documents here.

2) Little Mallards for a new extension.  Click to view the documents here.

All are welcome to join us in the covered area outside the pub.

These are the only items of business we will be discussing, unless members of the public have questions at the end of the session  Full Council next meets on 14th September.

July 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
The Crown & Horns Hotel

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council will be meeting on Tuesday 13th July, at 7.30pm at the Crown and Horns - all are welcome to attend.

We will be discussing the following:

  1.  CA 17 Notice received from Maxted Farms
  2. Planning Application for 1 Narborough Lane (Click here to view the planning documents)
  3. Revised Planning Application for the Pirbright Institute in Compton (up to 185 houses) (click here to view the planning documents)
  4. Review the Winter Service Plan from WBC
  5. Review the Local Flood Risk Management Plan for West Berkshire
  6. To discuss plans for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in 2022.

We know that many of you have already given your comments to WBC regarding the Pirbright Institute Plans, as have we.  All comments received will still be relevant to the case and considered.

As it is not quite 'freedom day' please follow social distancing guidelines, sanitise your hands, check with with the QR code and wear a face covering until you are seated.

June 2021
Tuesday, 19:00
The Crown & Horns Hotel

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday 22nd June at 7pm at the Crown and Horns Hotel for a planning meeting to discuss the application at 11A Churchside.

You can view the planning documents on the WBC portal by clicking here.

As we will be in a public place you will need to wear a face covering, we hope to be outside to keep everyone safe.  Please do not come to the meeting if you are displaying symptoms of C-19.

The agenda is below for you to download.

May 2021
Tuesday, 18:30

Staffing Committee Meeting

Staffing Committee Meeting

The members of the Staffing Committee will meet on Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 6.30pm.

The first business on the agenda is to resolve:

To Move: under section 1, paragraph 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted

The press or public will not be able to join this meeting.

May 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Our Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4th May via Zoom.

As with last year, we will be unable to hold our Annual Parish Meeting, lets hope that 2022 allows us to have this event face to face finally!.


Meeting ID: 865 2153 3141

Passcode: annual

The recording of the meeting can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/cd1Q0TmpQkQ

April 2021
Tuesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

We will be meeting on 27th April at 7pm via Zoom for an extraordinary meeting.  This is to discuss the settlement boundary review, the pond contractors and grounds maintenance contracts amongst other things.  All are welcome to join us on the Zoom call.


Meeting ID: 843 7562 2037

Passcode: april

YouTube recording can be played here.

March 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join us for the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th March at 7.30pm via Zoom. 


Meeting ID: 846 7600 8922

Passcode: 2G2Zka

We will be discussing 2 x planning applications, one for Hobland House and the other for the Crown and Horns Pub, along with other parish council business.  All are welcome to join us.

February 2021
Tuesday, 19:00

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

The Parish Council have an extraordinary meeting to discuss the planning application of Corace House and the addition of new dog bins in the centre of the village.  All are welcome to join us for this short meeting via Zoom.


Meeting ID: 831 3137 0398

Passcode: planning

You can view the recording of this meeting on our YouTube Channel here.

January 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Ordinary Virtual Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be an ordinary meeting on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom, but due to being inquorate this meeting has been postponed to Tuesday 19th Janaury.


Meeting ID: 847 1018 8420

Passcode: 4bfuxx

The agenda for the meeting is available to download.  It is a busy meeting, we are co-opting a new Councillor to take up the last vacant post, we will have an update on the C-19 Pandemic, a report from a Highways Consultant re the Pirbright Institute development and how that can affect our village and also, we will be agreeing the budget and precept for 2021 / 2022.  We will also be reviewing a planning application for Yew Tree Cottage and working our way through standard council business.  All are welcome to join us.

December 2020
Tuesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

We have 2 Planning Applications to discuss, one for Poplar Cottage and the other for Uhuru in East Ilsley.

All are welcome to join us on Zoom at 7pm.


Meeting ID: 873 1023 0698

Passcode: planning

You can view the planning documents on the West Berkshire Council Planning Portal Here:

Poplar Cottage Documents: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=20/02602/LBC2

Uhuru Documents: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=20/02627/HOUSE

The recording of the meeting can be viewed on our YouTube channel here.

November 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th November at 7.30pm via Zoom. 

You can view a recording of this meeting on our YouTube channel here: video

October 2020
Thursday, 18:00
via Zoom

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

A short 30 minute extraordinary meeting to agree on which contractor to use for Phase 3 of the Playground Revamp.  This will be to spend the money raised during Double Matched Funding Day on 24th July 2020.  All are welcome to join us.  The Zoom details are o the agenda below.

You can view the recording of this meeting on our YouTube channel here.

September 2020
Tuesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Virtual Parish Council Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

A Planning Meeting to discuss Bakers Barn and Sheepdown Planning Applications.

September 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
via Zoom

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The agenda and minutes of the ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th September at 7.30pm via Zoom.

The recording of the meeting can be viewed on our YouTube Channel here.

September 2020
Tuesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 1st September 2020 via Zoom.

September 2020
Tuesday, 18:00
via Zoom

Staffing Committee Meeting

Staffing Committee Meeting

A meeting of the Staffing Committee.  Please note that the Councillors present voted to move this meeting into confidential mode under section 1, paragraph 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 so that the press and public were excluded from the meeting as the publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.  As a result there will be no minutes available to download as theses are marked as confidential.

July 2020
Tuesday, 19:30

Ordinary Virtual Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting for Full Council held via Zoom due to Covid-19.

Please note that as we are unable to meet face to face, all minutes are approved at the virtual meeting.  Signatures will be sought as soon as it is safe to do so.

June 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Zoom online meeting

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting – 16th June 2020

Extraordinary Meeting

Please note that due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to meet face to face for ‘wet’ signatures on the approved minutes.  All minutes stating ‘Approved’ have been read and agreed as accurate by Full Council at a virtual meeting.  Signatures will be added to paper copies of the minutes as soon as we are able to reconvene face to face.

June 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Zoom online meeting

Virtual Planning Meeting – 17 Churchside – 9th June 2020

Planning Meeting

Please note that due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to meet face to face for ‘wet’ signatures on the approved minutes.  All minutes stating ‘Approved’ have been read and agreed as accurate by Full Council at a virtual meeting.  Signatures will be added to paper copies of the minutes as soon as we are able to reconvene face to face.

May 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Zoom online meeting

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Zoom information:

Meeting ID: 858 7852 4595
Password: 7ajWMD

May 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Zoom online meeting

Planning Meeting – Redevelopment of Ilsley Farm Barns, Sunrise Hill

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting – Redevelopment of Ilsley Farm Barns, Sunrise Hill

Zoom Information:

Meeting ID: 878 2275 1563
Password: 9jWQhH

The agenda will be available from Thursday 7th May 2020.
Planning Documents can be viewed on our Planning page here.

April 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Zoom online meeting

Extraordinary Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council – 21st April 2020

Extraordinary Meeting

Please note that due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to meet face to face for ‘wet’ signatures on the approved minutes.  All minutes stating ‘Approved’ have been read and agreed as accurate by Full Council at a virtual meeting.  Signatures will be added to paper copies of the minutes as soon as we are able to reconvene face to face.

March 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

Extraordinary Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council – 24th March 2020

Extraordinary Meeting


 I hereby give you Notice that East Ilsley Parish Council will hold an extraordinary ‘virtual’ meeting on: 

Tuesday 24 th March 2020 at 7:30pm via ‘Google Meet’ 

Join Hangouts Meet: meet.google.com/eyh-cssd-yja 

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend this extraordinary virtual meeting.

March 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

10th March 2020 (Parish Council Meeting)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 10 th March 2020 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

January 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

14th January 2020 (Parish Council Meeting)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 14 th January 2020 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

November 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

19th November 2019 (Parish Council Meeting)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 19th November 2019 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

September 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

17th September 2019 (Parish Council Meeting)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 17 th September 2019 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend 

August 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

27th August 2019 (Planning Meeting – New Gallop on Churn Road)

Planning Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 27th August 2019 at 7:30pm 

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend 

July 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

16th July 2019 (Parish Council Meeting)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 16 th July 2019 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend 

June 2019
Monday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

24th June 2019 (Planning Meeting – Ilsley Farm Barns)

Parish Council Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Monday 24th June 2019 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend 

May 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

28th May 2019 (Annual Parish Meeting)

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7:30pm 

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend for drinks and nibbles

May 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

14th May 2019 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

Tuesday 14 th May 2019 at 7:30pm

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend

April 2019
Tuesday, 19:30
lsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley

9th April 2019 (Planning Meeting – Seemore Cottage)

Planning Meeting


I hereby give you Notice that the next meeting of East Ilsley Parish Council is to be held on 

 Tuesday 9 th April at 7:30pm 

In the Ilsleys Primary School, Church Hill, East Ilsley 

and all Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

All are welcome to attend