council tax review

West Berkshire regularly review all taxpayers receiving discounts, with the latest review looking at the single person discount for Council Tax, using information from a National Fraud Initiative data matching exercise. Some of you may have received a letter from us about this.

Local Authorities are required to take reasonable steps to confirm whether a discount is still applicable, which is why this letter has been sent out. If you have recently received a letter, we'd like to reassure you that this is standard procedure.

It is often the case that there has been no change of circumstance, however issues arise when the local authority is not advised of any changes of occupancy in the household. This is why their staff encourage all who have received this letter to complete the form, sign the declaration and return it to West Berkshire Council by email or by post within 14 days so that the records can be updated.

For further information, please email

Notice Date: 29/09/2023